AM ED Wk  graphic

The Clinton Education Association would like you to join them in celebrating American Education Week (November 13-17).

American Education Week (AEW), first celebrated in 1921, is an opportunity to celebrate public education, to inform the community of the accomplishments and needs of public schools, to secure cooperation and support from the public, and to honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education. AEW is always celebrated the week prior to the week of Thanksgiving.

Students, next week you can help celebrate AEW by participating in dress up days.

On Monday wear red, white and blue in support of AMERICAN Education Week.

On Wednesday wear collegiate apparel to support higher education.

On Friday wear maroon and gold to support the education here at CUSD15.

Monday – Thank You to Our Transportation Personnel!

Did you know that CUSD15 has 18 bus drivers, 14 bus monitors, and 4 van drivers who are all kept informed and running by our 1 mechanic and 1 secretary of transportation? We also have 7 crossing guards to make sure our students arrive safely. Please thank them as you see them this week.

Tuesday-Thank You to Our Cafeteria Staff and to Our Parents/Community!

Our cafeteria staff provide two meals a day for our students. CUSD15 has 17 staff working hard every day to prepare, serve, and clean up breakfast and lunch for our students.

Also, we couldn’t do what we do without the support from our community and parents. CUSD15 is so grateful to have wonderfully active PTO and CCEF organizations supporting our effort. With the help of community businesses, leaders, and parents these organizations put a great deal of time and effort.

into recognizing and supporting educational efforts. Please thank those involved.

Wednesday-Thank You to Our Education Support Professionals! Today we would like to recognize our paraprofessionals. Classroom aides are the heartfelt heroes of our district…using their talents to help students discover their own, dedicating their time and energy each day to the students in their care, and doing it all while meeting the individual needs of many.

Please take a moment today to thank one of CUSD15’s 62 paraprofessionals, 3 supervisors, and 3 library aides!

Thursday-Thank You to Our Educators!

Today we want to highlight the 10 secretaries, 2 clerks, 4 nurses, 1 health aide, and 19 custodians in our school district. These individuals keep our buildings running smoothly and do way more than anyone can imagine. Please tell them how much they are appreciated today!

Friday – Thank You to Our Substitute Educators!

We are thankful today for those who are willing to substitute for the teachers of CUSD15. These are the individuals who are willing to step-in and step-up to the role of running the classroom and getting the lesson accomplished. We genuinely appreciate you covering for our teachers!